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Friday, January 10, 2014

Whales and Wholeness

I have been lucky enough to be graced by seeing these creatures up close, in real life, from my parent's sailboat (ENGINE OFF!), and to hear them communicating through my dad's home-made hydrophone. We watched them splashing and playing from a distance, and then they came right up to the boat, swimming underneath it and around it, and a giant four-foot fin glided right along the stern where I was standing. If I had been ready and willing, I could have reached out to touch it.

I always regard that day as one of the best days of my life. What a privilege to live among such powerful creatures in this world.

This is why I feel what I feel (anger and indignation at humanity's continual abuse of the living earth); why I believe what I believe (that harmful human processes must be stopped at any human cost in order for the living earth to continue living); and why I do what I do (activism and awareness raising, calling for radical personal and systematic change to our lifestyles, worldviews, and power structures).

I see myself, and humanity, as a member of a life community. We must stop acting as though our voice is the only one that matters, that our choices, our drive, our technology supersede the rights of other creatures, other beings (water, air, plants, trees, microbes included) to exist and flourish in in-tact ecosystems, unpolluted, unfractured, WHOLE.

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