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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

sun and rain

(from journal)

I stood in the sun and watched the deep grey clouds approach
the wind rushed through that stand of trees but not this one
I love the currents of motion that we can only see by hearing and can only hear by how it moves
The sound of waves washing through the branches
And then the misty rains come with crisp air
filling me with the sacred connection of life, breath, air, water,
earth fills every crack of skin on my hands.
A rush of wave through my body as the sun slips
behind the deep grey--the color of comfortable sadness.
It holds me.
Straddling light and dark. Juxtaposition.
This is where the beauty of this world lies.
This is where I find the deepest love
and truth
and love.

I held in my hand, today,
a baby snake,
the size of a large worm.
I found him coiled up sweetly under a bed of pine needles.
I thought, at first, it was a millipede or some bug, or even a worm.
But as I picked it up it uncoiled and coiled again
and slithered across my hand. A snake.
He looked at my thumb as though he was looking in my eyes, with curious fear
or hope.
I didn't hold him long--this tiny beautiful
black-grey and yellow-orange snake.
I never knew a snake so small could exist.
His perfection, beauty, loneliness and contentment
almost brought me to tears.

And then the rain.
I love this dear world.

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