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Thursday, April 10, 2014

the conversation

I've been shying away from writing because I have been standing at the edge of an ocean, dug in, while waves of truth and love wash over me, over and over and over, and I haven't had the time or words or perspective to synthesize all of it, or any. But I am seeing now that it just may not be the time for synthesis, but for living in the washing over and over, and expressing purely whatever it is that washes through me.

These are the themes.

Being vulnerable is probably the most important thing I've ever done.

"As it happens, the wall between us is very thin.
Why couldn't a cry from one of us break it down?
It would crumble easily, it would barely make a sound."


Conversation is about finding understanding.
Breaking these walls
or discovering
that they were never there.
 [Talk to me]

Everything is a conversation.
Everything is a puzzle.
How do these two,three, four things
people, pieces fit together?
A puzzle.
How does my hand fit the rock?
Perfectly. Just there. 

My hand.
That rock.
And so I climb
that wall

and suddenly
the wall is not a wall
it is my life.
We are one.



Love particularly,
is not
about who, what, how it loves.
Or it is.

I'll say it again though:
Love particularly.
Love the particularity of
his face
her voice
that sunset
my own words
that day.
That day.
That moment
of heart-shattering breath.

But then
love all-everything,
how could you not?
is all,
[At last, I have to admit it. Because I stood at the edge of that ocean screaming in the night and I was screaming too, and the stars were there, and I was there, and there I was: one, all.]

But don't forget what you are bound to.
Don't forget the decay of time
and who you will rot with
 and where you will rot.

And don't forget
that tree
that you've placed your hands on and sung to 
songs of promise
a hundred times.

And don't forget
the particular slope of that land
that hand
that rock
the curve of that neck
of that lip
of that tooth
in his mouth.

Remember it like your tongue remembers the exact shape of the space inside your molars,
the exact edge of your incisors
[over and over]
against each other.


The problem:
If you feel each particular thing
with this particular love
then you start to love 
of the world.
And then 
I'm afraid the particularity will start dissolve 
into the stale suburbs 
and crowded streets
of generality.

who doesn't want to be the person
someone's swift-swimming eyes settle upon
and rest 
in the perfect peace of finally finding
what they'd been seeking

Who wants to be just one face in the crowd
in a sea of love? 

But love is a sea
washing over and over

I fall 
and I fall 
and I fall 
in love
with everything.


So how do I know
who and what I belong to
except by 
continuing the conversation
hard as it may be
and it will be
and it is.

But this is probably the most important thing that I can do.

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