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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Monsanto Morgue

Last  night:

8:58 PM

This is what it must feel like to be in a conference room in the Death Star. No one has anything to do. No one is around. But those checking names at the door have to wait and wait like something might happen. Power functions with no one. Power does not need people."  (from The Stranger)

This is absurd. Kinda funny, but mostly absurd... and creepy. What? All that money and Monsanto couldn't even hire people to come to their party? Couldn't even try to make it look like their (potential) victory was legitimately based on what people want, and not based on the loads of money being poured in from out-of-state by the large corporations who use GMOs?
But really... where are all the People who actually voted "no"? And if the People voting "no" don't care enough about the issue to celebrate their victory then do they really care enough to deny other People the right to make informed choices about what we put in our bodies and where we put our money?!?

Ugh, say it again:

power does not need people

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