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Monday, June 10, 2013

conscience and

"What can your conscience live with? What can your soul live with?"

I can tell you that my conscience cannot live with the destruction being inflicted on this planet in the name of growth, profit, greed, ignorance, corporation, industry, convenience, civilization, or any other empty justification for ripping the lifeblood out of this planet, this being, our home, the earth. I can tell you that my soul is scarred with the same clear-cuts that the forests bear because I am of the forests, I am the forests. Chunks of my heart have been scraped out of my chest as the surface of the earth is scraped to death. It regrows, but it is tired, and my mind is tired, and my eyes are tired, and I am tired of trying to make change and being ignored, belittled, and laughed at for giving a shit. I am tired of hearing the constant engines of sanitation of landscapes deafening me of the peace and cohesion of wildness. I am tired of looking at the eyesores we create, of feeling the disjointed sprawl of urbanization disorient my feeling of belonging, of imagining every day the beings that are murdered and the species that are driven extinct. I am tired. My soul is tired of being beaten down, locked up, demonized and even criminalized for caring enough to fight for what I believe, for what I love, for what my soul knows is right. I am tired. But my conscience can't live with such atrocity. So I will fight.

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