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Monday, October 7, 2013


"Dinner for two: Each evening after a hard-day's hunting this pair of unlikely friends met for supper"

What I see:

which I believe is engrained in the evolution of life as much as competition, and is just as necessary to survive. And I think we will see more of this--animals banding together whether for survival (in an increasingly depleted environment) or perhaps companionship (in an increasingly lonely landscape). It makes sense to see this behavior popping up, in both wild animals and animals in captivity, as humans have mostly removed ourselves from a cooperative stance with the rest of life, and maintain short-sighted activities of destroying habitats/ecosystems/communities, and generally treat other lives only as resources or nuisances instead of neighbors to share with, learn from, and revere. The animals know better--they know we need each other. If we don't change our stance, then soon enough we will be the ones left completely on the outside of a web of interconnectivity and cooperation, with few ties to it and therefore little resilience against the shocks that will inevitably come in this changing world.